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The Chow Chow Club


Judge : Mr T Ball

BEST IN SHOW Chowetha Million Memories

RESERVE BEST IN SHOW Sukura Midnight Shadow

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Chopan's Cherub of Tashi

BEST DOG Sukura Midnight Shadow

RESERVE BEST DOG Kesals Jetson at Kweichow

BEST PUPPY DOG Kesals Jetson at Kweichow

BEST BITCH Chowetha Million Memories

RESERVE BEST BITCH Lechan Christmas Joy

BEST PUPPY BITCH Chopan's Cherub of Tashi

The Chow Chow Club

The Chow Chow Club

Above : Sukura Midnight Shadow (BD, RBIS)

Above : Chowetha Million Memories (BB, BIS)

Class 1 Puppy Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st Kesals Jetson at Kweichow

Class 2 Junior Dog (1 entry - abs)

Class 3 Novice Dog - no entries

Class 4 Special Graduate AOC Than Red - no entries

Class 5 Graduate Dog - no entries

Class 6 Post Graduate Dog - no entries

Class 7 Limit Dog (3 entries, 1 abs)
1st Tin Pan Alley For Your Eyes Only at Kweichow
2nd Santicana Circle of Life with Kesals

Class 8 Open Dog (3 entries)
1st Sukura Midnight Shadow
2nd Santicana Circle of Life with Kesals
3rd Miketilla Morrisey

Class 9 Veteran Dog or Bitch (4 entries, 3 abs)
1st Lechan Freya

Class 10 Special Open Smooth Dog or Bitch (1 entry - abs)

Class 11 Puppy Bitch (3 entries, 2 abs)
1st Chopan's Cherub of Tashi

Class 12 Junior Bitch (3 entries, 2 abs)
1st Chowetha Million Memories
Class 13 Novice Bitch (1 entry – abs)

Class 14 Special Graduate AOC than Red Bitch (4 entries, 1 abs)
1st Sukura Ice Baby
2nd Chopan’s Cherub of Tashi
3rd Towsushet’s Black Rose

Class 15 Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 abs)
1st Sukura Ice Baby
2nd Sumsai Sweet Tamazin at Tedmisty

Class 16 Post Graduate Bitch (2 entries, 1 abs)
1st Lechan I’m Adele

Class 17 Limit Bitch (3 entries)
1st Lechan Christmas Joy
2nd Shojo Cher
3rd Simcha Sarchi

Class 18 Open Bitch (3 entries, 2 abs)
1st Sumsai Siana at Tonlu

The Chow Chow Club
Chopan's Cherub of Tashi

The Chow Chow Club
Sukura Midnight Shadow

The Chow Chow Club
Santicana Circle of Life with Kesals

The Chow Chow Club
Sumsai Sweet Tamazin at Tedmisty

The Chow Chow Club
Chowetha Million Memories

The Chow Chow Club
Miketilla Morrisey

The Chow Chow Club
Lechan Christmas Joy

The Chow Chow Club
Tin Pan Alley for your Eyes Only at Kweichow

The Chow Chow Club
Sumsai Siana at Tonlu

The Chow Chow Club
Sukura Midnight Shadow

The Chow Chow Club
Chopan's Cherub of Tashi

The Chow Chow Club
Kesals Jetson at Kweichow

The Chow Chow Club
Sukura Ice Ice Baby

The Chow Chow Club
Lechan Freya

The Chow Chow Club

We thank Cobby Dog very much for their kind sponsorship as well as V Watmough for the beautiful pictures of the show !

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The Chow Chow Club
The Chow Chow Club

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Website by J Marchetti - Chow's Who Website

The Chow Chow Club